What is the importance of SSC CGL Previous Year Question Papers?

Is solving the previous year’s papers worth it?
SSC or Staff Selection Commission organizes state-level competitive exams to shortlist candidates for the different governmental roles of India. SSC CGL or combined graduate level examination is also fallen under Staff Selection Commission. Aspirants across the nation apply for these positions. Hence, the commission follows a rigorous selection process. It is based on a Computer-based test consisting of two subjective papers.
On the other hand, the commission also follows a particular exam pattern. Moreover, they maintain the same method every year. So, if the candidate follows the previous year’s papers and makes the right suggestion for preparation, they can easily catch the grip of the exam.
Is solving the previous year’s papers worth it?
SSC CGL Previous year’s question paper can help you prepare for the test. The union government offers the role for Group B and Group C for different central government departments. The subjects for the competitive test are listed below:
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Reasoning
- English Language
- General Awareness
Look back sincerely to the previous years’ papers. This will help the aspirants in the following matters:
Understanding the exam pattern
The most effective way to understand the SSC CGL exam pattern is to consult previous years’ papers. In any case, the recommended syllabus of the commission remains the same. In order to understand the different aspects of questions and paper analysis, it is imperative to consult previous years’ papers.
SSC sometimes repeat similar questions
If you are well equipped with the exam pattern and even the question papers, you might get some common questions from the previous paper. In that case, you need to practice at least 10 papers. In fact, you can score quite high marks if you solve previous years’ papers sincerely.
Helps to understand the difficulty level
You might think you are prepared enough to perform well in the test. However, you will realize the difficulty level when you will solve a paper. From completing the entire paper on time to understanding your efficiency, it is very important to try out at least 10-15 papers. The benefit of solving SSC CGL previous years’ papers is, they are more accurate to the test patterns. In addition, you will surely get some common questions from the previous year.
Analyzing your strength and weakness regarding each specific section will bring more confidence in you. When you understand your weaknesses, you will be able to revise the sections before the exam. Candidates should make it a habit of practicing previous years’ papers regularly from BYJU’s Exam Prep page.
Helps to learn time management skill
Time management plays a crucial role to complete your test on time and saving some extra time for revision. Solving previous papers will help the candidates to come up with the best way to write the answers. This will provide them with effective time management skills.
Understand what is important or not
In a competitive exam like CGL, it is extremely challenging to cover the entire syllabus thoroughly. Hence, the candidate should focus on the important topics and revise them thoroughly. Moreover, from the vast syllabus, some sections are more important are some can be avoided. So, how will you understand which section requires more attention? Apart from the suggestions of the reference books, you can also get an adequate idea from previous years’ papers. Well, it also facilitates to ease the preparation for the candidates.
You see, the benefits of solving previous years’ papers are huge! It is a fundamental step for the candidates to practice the papers daily. CGL is a national-level test; hence, the candidate should prepare seriously to clear the exam at the first attempt. Download all previous papers on BYJU’s Exam Prep website.